

Journal Articles

“Kant’s Ice-world: Wondrous Affect, Peaceable Relations, and the Good-Enough Earth.” The Cambridge Companion to Romanticism and World Literature Eds. Orrin N.C. Wang and Emily Sun.[Forthcoming 2025].


Book Chapters

“Blake’s Decomposite Art: On the Image of Language and the Ruins of Representation.” William Blake: Modernity and Disaster. Eds. Joel Faflak and Tilottama Rajan. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2020. 233-261.

“Last Words: Voice, Gesture, and the Remains of Frankenstein,” in Frankenstein in Theory: A Critical Anatomy. Ed. Orrin N.C. Wang. New York: Bloomsbury Press, 2020. 13-31.

“Goya’s Scarcity.” Constellations of Contemporary Romanticism. Eds. Jacques Khalip and Tres Pyle. New York: Fordham UP, 2016. 86-121.

“Illegibility, Monstrosity, Denegation: De Man, bp Nichol, and the Resistance to Postmodernism.” Negation, Critical Theory, and Postmodern Textuality. Ed. Daniel Fischlin. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Press, 1994. 259-300. 

……….Rpt. and rev. “Illegibility, Monstrosity, Denegation:  De Man and the Resistance to Postmodernism.” Monster Theory: Reading Culture. Ed. Jeffrey Cohen. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1996.  285-311.

…………..Rpt. “Monstrous Reading: The Martyrology after de Man.” Poetry Criticism. Ed. Lawrence J. Trudeau (New York: Gale, 2016): 42-56.

“Hegel, Eating: Schelling and the Carnivorous Virility of Philosophy.” Cultures of Taste/Theories of Appetite: Eating Romanticism. Ed. Timothy Morton. New York: Macmillan, 2004. 115-139. Rpt. Food for Thought: New Critical Perspectives on Veganism. Eds. Jodey Castricano and Rasmus Simonsen (New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2016). 93-120.

On Being ‘the Last Kantian in Nazi Germany’: Dwelling with Animals After Levinas.” Animal Acts:  Configuring the Human in Western History. Eds. Jennifer Ham and Matthew Senior. New York: Routledge, 1997. 165-198. 

……….Rpt. and rev. in Postmodernism and the Ethical Subject. Ed. Barbara Gabriel and Susan Ilcan. Kingston and Montreal: McGill-Queen’s UP, 2004.  41-75.

………. Rpt. and Trans. in Teoria wiedzy o przeszłości na tle współczesnej humanistyki , pod red. Ewy Domańskiej. Poznań : Wydawnictwo Poznańskie, [Theory of Knowledge about the Past and the Contemporary Human Sciences]. Ed. Ewa Domanska. Trans. Adam Ostolski. 2010.   475-523.

“Otherwise than God: Schelling, Marion.” Trajectories of Mysticism in Theory and Literature. Ed. Phillip Leonard. London: Macmillan, 2000.  136-176.

“Being Humaned: Medical Documentaries and the Hyperrealization of Conjoined Twins.” Freakery:  Cultural Spectacles of the Extraordinary Body. By David L. Clark and Catherine Myser.  Ed. Rosemarie Thomson. New York:  New York University Press, 1996. 338-355. 

“How To Do Things With Shakespeare:  Illustrative Theory and Practice in Blake’s Pity.” The Mind in Creation: Essays on Romantic Literature in Honour of Ross G. Woodman. Ed. J. Douglas Kneale. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s U Press, 1992. 106-133, 167-173.